Saturday, 24 September 2011

F1rst Love

"Cinta pertama banyak mengajar seseorang itu mengenal apakah makna cinta. Namun begitu, cinta pertama kerap kali membuatkan seseorang itu terlalu taksub mengejar cinta kerna takut kecewa." (fb Nabil Jainal)
1st love always gonna be THE love that we will always remember...
Itulah masanye kita mula berlaku jujur dgn perasaan yg bercampur baur...
masa itulah kita belajar cara memahami seseorg yg sepatutnya takde ape2 kene mengena dgn kita....
masa itulah kita mula sedar dan memerhatikan kebaikan org yg lain...
dan masa itulah kita belajar utk memperbaiki diri supaya dpt menjadi setaraf dgn cinta pertama~

My 1st love... I see him as a perfect guy next door. He was really near but yet I felt that he was very far for me to reach. I kept on denying the feelings I had but after he slipped through my fingers, then I realised how stupid I am for not keeping him close to me... And then... the 'What If.." questions kept pumping out

What if, we can just be true to our thoughts with each other?
What if, he could sees me as a woman before he met her?
What if, I had told him my feelings before?
What if....?

But, that was 8 years ago... my wisdom and mind had grown so much that I can find the 'hikmah' of why Allah send those feelings for him to me if He hadn't want us to be together. Looking back at the road I had taken, I can smile while thinking about those thoughts. Because of him, I've grown to be a much 'beautiful' and better woman than I was before. The only reason for me to meet him 8 years ago and fall deeply in love with him was to create the present me... of who I am now.

this commercial really reminds me of him =)

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