Monday 22 December 2008

Redang ~summer 07~

tgh buhsan blaja cosmos, browsing gambar2 lama kt external HD...

rasa cam kt pantai negara omputih jek~

kalo kt negara omputih, penuh ngan papan surfing

tarik boat kami

in the end ~enjoyable~

Saturday 20 December 2008


Ketika daku sibuk mendengar earphone sound level tahap5, tiba-tiba Ira terjah dr belakang. "Nh, ader parcel utk ko".
'ekekekek...mee rusky kegemaranku sudah smpi~' bisik hati kecilku. Perjalanan ke PO radford tak smpi 10 min, tp terasa sgt lama. Mungkan dah hampir 3 ari aku tak berjalan jauh...mcm jauh super jek... parcel sgt berat. Terkeluar urat2 di tgn di ketika aku mengangkatnyer pergi.

Tanpa disangka2, dlm parcel tu ader hadiah besday dr akakku yg sgt memahami jiwa aku sebenarnyer. Thank you Linda~

Kaya dgn Nutrien ~too much contrary for an instant noodle huh?

The casts of Lucky Star ~Linda, aku syg ko 100%~

The Lovely Cards for a lovely family

The sweetest cards and gifts from the cutest friends

Lepas aku tgk kad2 ni, aku sedar, there are people who held their hopes on me. They are doing their best in whatever they are doing now. I couldn't be beaten by their hardwork. I need to strive myself too. Success, wait for me, I'm on my way~

Monday 15 December 2008

Bola itu bulat...

Man City vs Everton

seats depan super....dpt la nmpk neville dr dekat, slalu nmpk dier kt tv jek... haha....
patutnyer seri tp tiba2 utk 2 minutes extended time, everton masukkan satu gol, dpn2 mata kitorg. n dpt gak tgk pemain everton(lupa nama) dpt kad kuning. Kesimpulannya, puas ati~

Saturday 6 December 2008


This comes from my own mind wondering~

The graph above shows the relationship between redshift(all those light dots and wave coming from our huge sky) and the timescale of the universe. Nk senangkan citer kalo redshift tu besar, so light tu dah lamer travel, tp oleh kerana universe is expanding, menyebabkan dier dah penat n semput so dier dah slow down skit(tu maksud redshift) biler smpi ke bumi. So, redshift yg tinggi, tandanyer dier dah tue(dier dah semput super). But the funny thing is, it is not a straight proportional line, instead it is a curved line(as above).

Nk kaitkan bende ni ngan kehidupan kita skang. Time skang (kt point (0,0) dlm graph), line tu infinite ke atas. So skang ni kita sdg mengalami infinite experience and infinite knowledge. But as time goes by, info dlm minda kita tu decaying little by little (dilupakan skit demi skit). Tp at the end of our life (line dlm graph utk part sebelah kanan) some of our memory will still be attached to us even walau lama maner kita idup pn. hehe.

This is a beauty of knowledge. How life can actually be directly shown by some scientific theory. I know, not many people will understand this blog post. hihi. But for me, AllahuAkbar!

Friday 5 December 2008

Thank you my teens~

1st year,
birthday disambut dgn aku dipaksa mkn telur mentah+kopi dan sos.... leh thn lg aa... sbb masa kt banting super horror lg aku kene, smpi lebam2, berlumpur2 the end, mesti ader kek yg comel dan lagu besday yg sumbang tp tetap menusuk hati biler dgr.... thank you~

2nd year,
disambut beramai2 time notts game.... rumble berkurang... agak matured kot, sbb sumer wat sajak sempena besday aku... dibacakan siap ngan puzzle gambar aku and bunga yg byk.... dak2 laki fizik lak sanggup masak bihun goreng utk aku.... pashmina hadiah korg still aku gantung sbg penghargaan.... thank you~

3rd and final year,
super duper aku segan n malu tp still happy yg smpi penat otot2 muka aku sbb byk sgt senyum.... huhu... disambut dlm dewan portland yg besar, dan rmai msian yg aku tak kenal.... sumer dpt tau brape umur aku.... huhu... nk kelentong dah takleh dah... perasaan pelik sentiasa menyelubung.... nk tunjuk happy secara mengada2 cam takleh sbb umur mcm tak benarkan.... in the end, tak dpt nk wat ape2 kecuali senyum lebar smpi skang.... (^_^)
Br dpt tau rmai berkorban utk dtg gak mlm td sbb nk sambut besday budak tak femes ni.... ader gak yg sanggup balik lmbt utk sambut besday dak yg tak best ni.... ader gak yg terpaksa berlakon super duper hebat utk elakkan dak sengal ni drp menyibuk ngan preparation surprise korg tu....

For all the things that you guys done for me.... Thank you so much.... I would not forget this superb event... and I'm glad I am growing old with people like you guys.....
Hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu!!!!

Wednesday 3 December 2008

The Expanding universe

stress? tidak... haha

universe is expanding, my horizon is expanding... cuma skang cam dah maleh nk layan the new info coming into my life... penat aa... biler nk cuti krismas ni~~

Bumi.... kalo alien tgk dr angkasa lepas,nmpk simple jek... lawa, kaler biru putih, bulat smooth jek... licin cam bola kaca... Life pulak... mcm permukaan bumi, bergunung-ganang, ader laut dlm, ader lurah, ader tanah rata, ader dusun, ader gurun, ader kedai tauhu bakar~hehe... cuma manusia2 yg idup kt bumi je yg paham perasaan betapa 'bergeriginya' bumi ni...

kita slalu jln2 atas bumi ni...nmpk flat, straight jek, tak perasan pn bumi ni sebenarnyer bulat. Sama mcm universe, we all are experiencing the 'inflation' of universe. Mcm maner bulatnyer bumi, the universe also have no boundary. There is no other side of the universe that we can look into. Mcm Bumi ni umpama bola, universe pn umpama sfera yg sentiasa berkembang. Org slalu kata bumi tmpt pusat universe. Mmg betul, tp setiap spot kt universe adalah the center of universe. Ok2, letak byk2 dot tanda marker kt belon, then tiup belon tu perlahan2...bila belon tu berisi angin, semua dot2 tu akan berjauhan antara satu sama lain... belon itulah universe... salah satu dot tu laa bumi...angin dlm belon tu laa yg meng'expanding~kan universe....

cukup laa pengajaran ttg universe utk kali ini.... haha... aku tgh stress ngan projek... blog ni je laa tmpt aku meluahkan stress aku~ maap2

Sunday 30 November 2008

Knight of the Shining Armour

Rasanyer kita semua sentiasa nantikan our own Knight of the shining armour, utk slamatkan diri kita dr dunia yg tak best ni, especially time2 kita tgh depressed super. Am I too selfish to think that way? Shouldn't I be the knight of the shining armour for others? Shouldn't I be the one to help them to get up? But in the end, I will be the one to be blame. Mampukah aku utk menghadapi tuduhan2 tu nanti?

Tiba2 teringat drama House. "I would rather die watching the birds flying rather than dying wishing that I will have wings one day". We can't always get what we want but we can always inspire others to get what they want.


We all went to the university Choir & Philharmonia yesterday. The performances? Superb. Who knows that one of our classmates was one of the violin players in the orchestra. The solos for cello, oboe and trumpet i think, smoothly done a perfect job. My heart moved until the very last note they played yesterday. The choir was nice, gave me goosebump, especially for the soprano. Haha.

Minami: Piano Piece Of Sena - Long Vacation

My fav : August's Rhapsody from August Rush

Melodies played in every person's life. Mine would be classics and pop. I know, weird, but that's my life. Suke ati aa. Haha. So, what's ur melody right now?

Wednesday 26 November 2008


haha.. My Short Stories arrived today~
here's the re-cap~

the package

the album

the entrance

the stage

the performances


that's all. And I heard my voice in the DVD =p

soul searching trip

Why I felt in luv with astrophysics?

1. I love the spot in my home where I 1st felt in luv with the night sky. Even though my home located in the urban city, the calmness of those few light dots on the dark sky had moves my heart many times.

2. I am captivated by almost all the physics book that I had read. Most of the famous physicist that I known believe deeply in the Higher Power, God. I always wonder, what for Allah created all those dust so vast if it's not for human? (eg, like in CSI, for a crime to be perfect, it has to look as if it was a natural accurance; for me, for a perfect universe, it has to look as if it was a natural accurance that required the smartest mind to set it run so smoothly)

3. My heart beats fast and my hand sweating like crazy everytime I encounter with some physics problems. I get excited too easily when it comes to astrophysics. It's funny to see all those higher up physicists think too deeply about the problem but the answer is just on the surface of the problems. Allah had always said that we need to set a boundary to our thinking, not to think too much outside the 'box'. That is one of the key point Allah set for us, to give the hint that the answer to the question is just on the surface of the 'box'.

This would be my soul searching trip. And I am still continously moving on with it.

Sunday 23 November 2008

White Sunday ~almost~

My final year with a snowing event ~nipis super~

outside my room

stairway to neo's room
my room
~on the other side~

Saturday 22 November 2008

Big Bang ~the beginning~

The starting of my blog

recreation of physics into my Live Love Life

I’ve read this somewhere….. but the post here is still my words, not taken from anyone else.

The world is now proven to have a 4 Dimensional spacetime not just 3D. The axes are space ( x, y, z) and time(t). Do you know that all this combination of x, y, z and t are actually moving with the speed of light? If you are not moving at all (still mode), which means that your space (x, y, z) aren’t moving at all, thus your time(t) is actually moving with the speed of light which is 300 000 000 m/s. So, do you realize how fast your time is actually moving? Even if you are moving right now (eg: walking, typing, jogging) with your mighty speed, but how comparable it is with the speed of light? around 1/1000000 from the speed of light laa far most. Your movement is still not enough to make time move slower. No wonder they keep on saying, “sepantas kilat” coz it is the ultimate speed that one can achieve. Well, my point is, time doesn’t wait for you. Seize the day. If you want it, do it now. We are getting old as fast as a lightning without we ever realize it. Carpe Diem…