Monday 18 July 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary

Pejam celik, pejam celik.... dah setahun daku memulakan pekerjaan sebagai seorang pembakar lilin demi menerangi orang lain... CIKGU

Masa awal2 jd ckgu, the reality was really super different that what I had imagine. Stupid imagination! Sepatutnye, ditugaskan menjadi seorang guru chemistry.... tp ntah mcm mane, takdir yg tertulis di Luh Mahfuz, mengajar FIZIK STPM sbb xde ckgu langsung ajar.

At first seronok. Fizik pn cinta pertamaku~ *ahaks. tp lama kelamaan, tanpa guidance dan tunjuk ajar, aku nangis tiap2 mlm. tak tahan... the subject was easy, but to teach is one very difficult thing. I always thought, why the hell the students would not just listen to me. Physics is not that difficult....

But as time goes by, I learn that teaching is one of the most amazing thing that could happen to my life. Students are still kids, no matter at what age they are. It is the perfect time for them to experience things, learn the hard way of living and learn the beautiful relationships they can have with each other. Coming to SSI, getting close to the teachers and other staffs, were also one of the best thing that I had ever experience. Getting to know is easy, but as time goes by, the love blossom.


ajar tingkatan 6 atas... super susah, sbb diorg super pandai... tp batch2 Jia Jun sgt sopan dan mendengar kata. Nway, they are my 1st students =)

Jd Jurulatih Olympiad Sek Ren Peringkat Kebangsaan dalam bidang Fizik. Seminggu di Melaka, melatih budak2 genius msia yg br darjah 6. Super genius, super aktif... mengingatkan kisah silam kenapa aku tak ske bdak2 dlu... haha

lemparan air panas oleh Kak Rossa. Super pedih giler.... smpi masak kulit kt kepala. haha. dan tanpa disedari menangis teresak2 tanpa diduga... smpi skang parut dia ada lg ni~

Di tempat yang sama dgn lemparan air panas, kene hentam raket badminton dgn En Zamri... pergh, super berdenyut kepala time tu... lebam dgn parut X jelas giler... masa tu dah pk, SSI mmg tak ske diriku ini~

Jamuan akhir tahun SSI. 1st time main volleyball dgn semua ckgu2 laki. time dgn nik n the geng dlu tak kesah langsung main... tp skang patutnye rs segan men dgn ckgu laki.... tp keseronokan main tu mengatasi segalanya. haha. But I'm glad I played with them, sbb lepas tu, diri ini semakin rapat dengan ckgu2 lain~

Pra kemenangan F1 kt UTP. 1st time pegang F1, 1st time gak naik pentas sbb menang. Tgk kanak2 berusaha membanting tulang menyiapkan folio2 F1, mmg mengagumkan. I realize that school is the only placed for kids to have fun with each other =)

dh kot... byk sgt rasanya dah ni.... hehe.

Dlu ada org pernah kata: "Ann ni tak sesuai jd ckgu sbb dia baik sgt..." And at some moment, I did think that I am so not suitable for this job. I have no idea how to be angry or get mad with anything.... If I want to survive with teaching, I need to learn to be fierce and firm. But, adaptation is based on one's perception. I should not run away. If I am really fated to leave this job, I wanna leave in a macho style. In conclusion, I am really glad I took this job =)

UTP F1 Cup 2011


Rynn said...

i'm sure u're one great teacher. and your students must adore u very much. chayyuk2 ann!

Nur B Tapri said...

u survived the first year!!! hope many ore years to come will be all splendid and beautiful in its own way too :D

_N.Othman said...

Rynn... mu mesti lg super adorable teacher kan? hehe. dgn kembar on their way~ best of luck to u too =)

_N.Othman said...

Kak Yati...
It will be a splendid years to come for both of us kt SSI tu. hehe =)