Thursday 20 October 2011


The race is on...

This is the time when I can't even relate to myself which one is more important. With my life as a mess as it is, I'm starting to wonder am I really doing it right.... But when I can actually get it right? It is still favourably unknown...

I want to teach the students the art of learning on your own. Gaining the experience which will maturing their innerself, but still depends on how they perceived things. But because of that they were somehow left behind. And I felt that it was my fault. I couldn't do the job right. Am I someone who take things easy? Why can't I have an arranged lifestyle? Why is it so difficult for me to re-scheduled my life~? And the sad things is, it affects others so much...

But I was stunned by one my students. Faiez said, "takpe ckgu, sy mmg percayakan kemampuan Meng...". That's it. That's my problem all these while... Why can't I trust my own students? They've done so much to gain that trust, but why have I neglected that.... to my Infinity F1 Team members, I am trully sorry for neglecting my duty as an advisor~

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