Saturday 20 December 2008


Ketika daku sibuk mendengar earphone sound level tahap5, tiba-tiba Ira terjah dr belakang. "Nh, ader parcel utk ko".
'ekekekek...mee rusky kegemaranku sudah smpi~' bisik hati kecilku. Perjalanan ke PO radford tak smpi 10 min, tp terasa sgt lama. Mungkan dah hampir 3 ari aku tak berjalan jauh...mcm jauh super jek... parcel sgt berat. Terkeluar urat2 di tgn di ketika aku mengangkatnyer pergi.

Tanpa disangka2, dlm parcel tu ader hadiah besday dr akakku yg sgt memahami jiwa aku sebenarnyer. Thank you Linda~

Kaya dgn Nutrien ~too much contrary for an instant noodle huh?

The casts of Lucky Star ~Linda, aku syg ko 100%~

The Lovely Cards for a lovely family

The sweetest cards and gifts from the cutest friends

Lepas aku tgk kad2 ni, aku sedar, there are people who held their hopes on me. They are doing their best in whatever they are doing now. I couldn't be beaten by their hardwork. I need to strive myself too. Success, wait for me, I'm on my way~


AsyAnis said...

tu dh ade byk rusky
xyah mitak aku lagi

_N.Othman said...

nk lg~~~~

Unknown said...

lucky star ^^.

aku pon menaruh harapan ann kasi aku sket mee ruski =P

_N.Othman said...


kalo nk rasa, meh ler dtg notts.. hidangan khas utk ko...

lang pn dpt merasa ari tu...ekekek

Unknown said...

nnt2 aku dtg~ ko jgn abeskan =P