Sunday, 26 August 2012

X tolak Y

soalan dlm bhs melayu...
X - Y = Y jatuh.... Y minta tolong... tp Y tak ramai kawan

menimbulkan persoalan lain...

kenapa Y tak balas tolakan X?
Y tetap akan jatuh sbb Y cuma ada 1 kaki tp X ada 2 kaki... so lebih stabil...

Nice words with compilations of maths and symbols... based on what we learned in ToK
~Language Bewitched~

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

To ....

Those complicated words,
In every entry that you posted,
Never fail to lift up the warmness,
Sweetness and tenderness feelings,
which I thought was only felt in lonely days,
But now I know its for others as well.

I love how you make me smile,
Felt with the smiles of thousands,
 When I realized you shine the world,
Giving that tiny light to everyone,
In these vast darkness of the universe,
With just little common words of yours,
That somehow relates deeply inside,
For one and many.

 Even though I know that future are separated for us,
I still need a little courage,
To say the words 'thank you'
for just being you.....aa